Lesbian Daughter’s Chilling Message to Homophobic Mom: ‘I am Going to Shoot You,’ Says Report

Lesbian Daughter’s Chilling Message to Homophobic Mom: ‘I am Going to Shoot You,’ Says Report
A woman is accused of threatening to kill her mother by brandishing a gun, reportedly due to disapproval of her daughter’s homosexual relationship, according to the Maricopa Police Department.
Authorities arrested 42-year-old Tiffany D. Parron on felony weapons charges. Parron is the third individual in Maricopa to be arrested for gun violence this weekend.
The altercation occurred around 7:30 a.m. at a residence on West Maricopa Avenue. Parron’s mother reported that her daughter threatened to shoot her while wielding a firearm.
The mother stated that while her daughter had made such threats jokingly before, she was shocked to see the gun displayed this time. Parron’s girlfriend was present, and a physical altercation ensued between the two women.
The girlfriend initially told police the gun was secured in a safe. However, officers found the 9-millimeter handgun unsecured in a cabinet.
Parron claimed her mother was upset about her homosexuality and was threatening to confine her. She denied handling the gun, shifting the blame onto her girlfriend.
Despite conflicting accounts, police determined there was probable cause to believe Parron possessed the firearm during the incident.
After being handcuffed, Parron suggested her mother might have mistaken her playing the video game “Call of Duty” for a real-life situation involving a firearm.
Parron is currently held at the Pinal County jail and faces up to a year-and-a-half in prison.
Tags: #shoot #lesbian #daughter #tells #homophobic #mom #report
Categories: Featured,Public Safety,arrest,crime,gun,Maricopa Police Department,MPD,Senita,Tiffany parron,West Maricopa Avenue
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