Cindy Quintero, a Latina woman raised by a single immigrant mother, has dedicated her life to addressing health inequities. Drawing from her personal experiences, she recognizes...
The holiday season in Tucson will see the enchanting ballet, “The Nutcracker,” take center stage with several productions showcasing this timeless classic. The first performance, “Nutcracker!...
Phoenix attorney Troy P. Foster has initiated a lawsuit on behalf of former Sedona Deputy Police Chief Ryan Kwitkin against multiple city officials, including Sedona’s former...
MESA, Ariz. — After a three-month hiatus, the East Valley’s idea Museum is set to reopen on December 13. This closure provided an opportunity for significant...
Ada Limón’s latest initiative, “You Are Here,” aims to deepen the connection between poetry and nature. At the heart of this project is a carefully curated...
The Arizona Senate has introduced its first bill for the upcoming legislative session, which seeks to impose new restrictions on voters returning early ballots at polling...
WASHINGTON — Republican members of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee rigorously questioned the head of the Department of Homeland Security during a contentious hearing on Wednesday....