Opening days for new restaurants in Maricopa often draw significant crowds, and the recently launched Cold Stone Creamery is no exception. The ice cream parlor, located...
In November, Maricopa County voters will face a crucial decision regarding the extension of a half-cent sales tax designated for transportation projects. A bipartisan campaign, known...
The International Brotherhood of Teamsters opted not to endorse a presidential candidate during their General Executive Board meeting on Wednesday, indicating a divide among their membership...
Carletta Tilousi, a member of the Havasupai tribe, recalls her childhood fear surrounding potential uranium mining near Supai, a village nestled within the canyons of the...
PHOENIX — Tensions are escalating between the Arizona Diamondbacks and Maricopa County as negotiations for a lease renewal at Chase Field become contentious. A letter from...
Arizona’s Attorney General Kris Mayes has stated that candidates for public office can allocate campaign funds for child care expenses while campaigning. This legal opinion, issued...
The Home Depot is set to bolster the Maricopa community with the grand opening of its new store next Thursday, September 26. Located at 42410 W....