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Bob Braucht

Voices Rise: The Battle Over Stolen Political Signs



This campaign sign was stolen from Bob and Lisa Braucht's Wishing Well Lane home in Province on Wednesday, later to be found in a garbage bin. It's not the first time this has happened in Maricopa's active adult community.

In a surprising act of political intolerance, a campaign sign belonging to Bob and Lisa Braucht was stolen from their home on Wishing Well Lane in the Province community on Wednesday, only to be found later in a garbage bin. This incident is not an isolated case in Maricopa’s predominantly Republican active adult neighborhood.

Lisa Brauch, a Kansas City native who has lived in Province for five years, expressed frustration over the political climate. “It’s a really red culture up here,” she remarked, noting the challenge Democrats face in this environment. This year, she chose to assert her rights by displaying a political sign in her front yard, an act she described as “coming out of the closet.”

However, her act of expression led to a minor yet impactful politically motivated crime. The Harris-Walz campaign sign was taken shortly after being displayed. “It was in the yard for less than a day. My friend noticed it at 6 a.m., and by the time she returned, it was gone,” Brauch recounted. Her pet sitter, Kimberly Diedrich, later discovered the sign in her own trash bin, just moments before garbage pickup.

“It was garbage day,” Brauch explained. “Luckily, the trash truck had already come, so we managed to retrieve the sign, and it’s back up again.” Diedrich expressed her dismay at the theft. “It’s super sad that someone would have the nerve to do that,” she stated. “I am not a Trump supporter but would never even dream of removing someone’s property because of my own political agenda.”

This is not the first instance of political sign theft in Province, according to Brauch. She recounted previous episodes where Democratic signs were taken down by neighbors who couldn’t fathom any support for such candidates in their community. The police have been notified of this most recent theft, although there appears to be no record of the report at the Maricopa Police Department as of Thursday.

In response to mounting frustrations, Province Democrats have recently established a Facebook group for supporters of the Harris campaign, quickly amassing 90 members in only two days. Brauch noted, “It’s been crazy how many people are starting to crawl out of the woodwork as Democrats.”

Looking ahead, Brauch is planning a gathering to celebrate if Democrats win the White House in November. She remains committed to her activism and hopes to inspire others. “This is the first year we’ve felt somewhat united and comfortable putting up signs,” she said. “Until now, most people have been hesitant to speak up, but we’re done being quiet.”