Maricopa Police Department undertook significant operations last night, notable for a “high-risk traffic stop” at Sonoran Creek Marketplace, along with a search warrant executed in collaboration...
Maricopa police are currently engaged in a standoff with a wanted suspect in a home on Mountain View Lane, which has lasted for several hours. The...
Lake Havasu City SWAT officers were dispatched Saturday afternoon to SARA Park, responding to a report of a suicidal individual. The situation originated from the 3600...
Prescott police have detained 33-year-old Anthony Cullum following a SWAT standoff, where he allegedly threatened his ex-girlfriend with a machete. PRESCOTT, Ariz. — A tense encounter...
The Maricopa Police Department has disclosed significant developments following a drug bust in the Heritage District on Wednesday. A SWAT team’s search led to the seizure...
Maricopa Police Department has disclosed the identities of two individuals arrested following a SWAT team raid in the Heritage District on Wednesday. The Pinal County Regional...
A man was arrested this morning following a search at a home in the Heritage District. The operation involved heavily armed city and county law enforcement...