Last June, Justin Timberlake faced a DWI charge in the Hamptons. Following his arrest, he expressed concern about the potential impact on his upcoming tour. The...
In a significant update for fans of the iconic band Heart, the group has announced a rescheduled performance in Arizona. After initially delaying 19 tour dates...
Tempe band The Maine has officially announced the return of 8123 Fest, a spirited celebration dedicated to their fans. The event is scheduled for January 17...
Arizona is set for a contentious election this November, with several competitive races on the ballot. The state has solidified its role as a pivotal battleground...
Sha’Carri Richardson’s performance in the qualifying round secured a spot for the U.S. team in Friday’s final. PARIS, France — Sha’Carri Richardson might be adding another...
The mall closed its doors to shoppers nearly four years ago. PHOENIX — The Metrocenter Mall, Arizona’s first two-story shopping mall, is about to face its...