In a recent initiative, officials are focusing on expanding community resources across various states. The aim is to enhance local welfare, streamline access to amenities, and...
In a closely watched race for the Senate seat in Legislative District 17, Democrat John McLean is currently leading Republican Vince Leach by 1,318 votes, according...
PHILADELPHIA — A Pennsylvania judge ruled on Monday that Elon Musk’s political action committee can continue its $1 million-a-day voter sweepstakes through the upcoming presidential election....
Carson Blair, a sixth-grade student at Starline Elementary, is set to be recognized at the Arizona state capitol this Tuesday, having emerged as one of the...
Lake Havasu City residents have until November 1 to submit names for the new downtown park, known as the “Downtown Catalyst site.” This location, at the...
The Arizona Media Association (AMA) has announced the winners of the 2024 Better Newspapers Contest and the Excellence in Advertising Awards. The Green Valley News, led...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is standing firm on its decision to tax Arizona’s 2023 Family Tax Rebate, filing a motion to dismiss a lawsuit by...
Students at the University of Arizona are gearing up to showcase their culinary skills in a Korean Kimchi Recipe Contest, set for Thursday. This event is...
A nostalgic celebration of the 1940s will unfold this weekend in Maricopa. The event features a pin-up contest that combines vintage allure with a tiki bar...
Yassamin Ansari has officially secured her position as the Democratic nominee for the West Valley congressional district in the upcoming November election, following a recount that...