Arturo Laguna Camas has been arrested following a domestic violence report that led to the discovery of a hidden camera in a church bathroom. Authorities in...
In a controversial move, House Speaker Mike Johnson announced Wednesday that transgender women will be barred from using women’s restrooms within parts of the U.S. Capitol...
South Carolina Representative Nancy Mace has introduced legislation that could significantly restrict the rights of transgender individuals in federal facilities. The move follows her recent confrontation...
WALDORF, Md. — A shocking incident involving a 7-year-old boy at C. Paul Barnhart Elementary has left his family seeking answers after their child was hospitalized...
A Maricopa woman was arrested on multiple charges, including felony burglary, after an alarming incident involving her ex-boyfriend. Delphina M. Whitehorse, 32, was taken into custody...
A Tempe man has been charged with theft after allegedly pilfering materials from a construction site in Maricopa, aiming for an inexpensive bathroom remodel. The Maricopa...
A man suspected of stealing candy bars while intoxicated was found asleep on a QuikTrip bathroom toilet instead of making his escape. Maricopa police arrested Damien...