Allison Benjamin
Marana Teacher Takes Leave After Controversial Remarks on Intersex Individuals and Trump’s Executive Order

Last week, Les Beard, a physics teacher at Marana High School, shared insights about a chromosomal disorder with his students, linked to current events. This lesson came under fire when followers of right-wing activist James O’Keefe demanded Beard’s termination for allegedly contradicting an executive order by former President Donald Trump, which asserts that “it is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female.”
Beard, who has taught physics at Marana for six years and previously worked as a geophysicist, stumbled upon a news segment regarding a woman with androgen insensitivity syndrome during a late-night phone scroll. Intrigued, he decided to discuss the condition, wherein individuals with XY chromosomes develop outwardly female characteristics due to their bodies’ inability to respond to male hormones. This disorder often leads to affected individuals being raised as girls while discovering their biological sex only upon medical examination for reproductive health issues.
In his lesson, Beard illustrated the complexities of the syndrome, showing images of women affected by the condition, prompting a debate among his students regarding gender identity. “I wanted the kids to understand that, if we make rules, they should encompass all situations that might appear,” he explained, emphasizing the importance of recognizing exceptions to binary gender classifications.
However, the discussion took a swift turn when a student recorded the lesson and shared it with her mother, who subsequently sent it to O’Keefe. The controversial video quickly gained traction on social media, attracting criticism directed at Beard for purportedly misleading students. Allegations against Beard escalated, with commenters labeling him a “groomer” and calling for his dismissal for discussing what they branded as “gender ideology.”
After the video garnered around 600,000 views on social media, Beard was called into a meeting with school administration, where he was reminded of the expectation for teachers to adhere strictly to curriculum and avoid personal opinions. Following this, Beard was instructed to work from home, pending a decision regarding his employment status. “I didn’t intend to bring politics too sharply into the discussion, but it got there,” Beard remarked, acknowledging the unexpected trajectory of his lesson.
Allison Benjamin, a district spokesperson, reiterated the school policies on maintaining a neutral teaching environment while refraining from sharing personal beliefs. In a separate exchange with O’Keefe, she referred to the situation as “extraordinary” and recognized the complexities in managing public perceptions of classroom discussions.
With a checkered history of creating misleading narratives, O’Keefe founded Project Veritas in 2010, gaining notoriety for undercover stings aimed at exposing liberal figures. Following mounting controversies, he was ousted from the organization this year, yet he persists in publishing similar content through his new initiative.
Beard, who has taught for decades and enjoys his role, now faces uncertainty about his future in the classroom. “To be able to freely express yourself will lead to a richer conversation among people who may have very different opinions,” he concluded, highlighting the detrimental effects of limiting discussions in educational settings.