Grace Arts Live is set to showcase the beloved musical “Anastasia” this November in Lake Havasu City. The production revolves around the character Anya, a young...
Sunnyslope senior Nate Isham has been appointed to the Arizona State Board of Education’s 10-member Student Advisory Panel (submitted photo). Nate Isham, a senior at Sunnyslope...
By Daniel Stefanski | Arizona State Senator J.D. Mesnard is drawing attention to the financial struggles of his constituents as inflation continues to impact everyday life....
Pinal County officials have appointed William Lee “Bill” Griffin as the new constable for the Precinct 4 Western Pinal Justice Court in Maricopa. The announcement follows...
As rent prices continue to soar in Arizona, families in Scottsdale face significant challenges when seeking affordable housing options. A recent study from Rentometer reveals that...
Jenny Poon, a 41-year-old advocate, stood on an elevated blue stage at the Ellipse, located in front of the White House in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday....
A lawsuit filed by a Florida-based organization, Citizen AG, claims that Arizona’s voter registration rolls contain approximately 1.2 million ineligible individuals. The legal action argues that...
The Sedona City Council convened on October 9 for a work session, where members expressed support for establishing new regulations governing pickleball courts located on private...
In recent developments within the local law enforcement community, an officer is facing serious allegations of misconduct. Tomas Montoya, a representative of the Phoenix Police Department,...
By Daniel Stefanski | Two prominent Arizona Republicans, Senate President Warren Petersen and House Speaker Ben Toma, are taking a stand against what they perceive as...