2024 election
Last Call: Mail-In Ballots Due Today in Maricopa!

The official ballot drop box is stationed outside the Maricopa-Stanfield Justice Court at 19955 Wilson Ave. A second box is available at City Hall.
Today is the final day to vote early by mail in Maricopa. “If you still have a ballot in your possession, whether in your hand or on the kitchen table or sitting in a pile of mail, it’s imperative that you get it turned in,” emphasized Brad Miller, a Republican candidate for Pinal County Attorney challenging the incumbent Kent Volkmer.
The last day to mail back ballots is today to guarantee timely receipt by the county. The U.S. Post Office advises allowing seven days for returning ballots by first-class mail, ensuring compliance with the election date on July 30.
If mailing back your ballot isn’t feasible, you have other options. You can drop off your ballot at any in-person early voting location or at a secured ballot drop box. Additionally, you can drop it at any voting location in Pinal County on Election Day, bypassing any lines by going straight to the early ballot bin.
Voters can verify their ballot has been counted at My.Arizona.vote. The last opportunity to vote early in-person is Friday.
The July 30 Primary Election serves to nominate candidates from each recognized political party. Winners will proceed to the general election. Arizona’s open primary allows voters registered as independent to participate by selecting a partisan ballot from Pinal County Recorder.
The Primary Election ticket encompasses municipal races and ballot propositions in the City of Maricopa. Key races include mayoral and city council elections, as well as Proposition 482.
No ID is required for early voting by mail. The Pinal County Recorder authenticates your signature on the early ballot affidavit against your voter registration record. However, ID is necessary for early in-person voting or at any polling place on Election Day.
To vote early, retrieve your ballot from your mailbox. Fill out the ballot in accordance with the provided instructions using the appropriate pen. Place your completed ballot in the early ballot affidavit envelope, sign it, and seal it before returning. Your ballot will not be counted if the affidavit envelope is unsigned.