By Daniel Stefanski As the countdown to Election Day begins, Maricopa County political races appear to be tightly contested, reflecting a dynamic electoral landscape. A recent...
This article was originally published by Votebeat, a nonprofit news organization covering local election administration and voting access. During a Pinal County supervisors meeting on Monday,...
The tension was palpable during a Pinal County supervisors meeting on Monday as Chairman Mike Goodman struck his gavel repeatedly in an attempt to restore order....
By Merissa Hamilton | The notion that actions speak louder than words has never been more relevant than in the actions of our elected officials. The...
On June 13, the new Valleywise Health Medical Center officially opened its doors, ushering in a new era of healthcare with advanced technology and enhanced comfort....
By Merissa Hamilton This week, the Maricopa County Attorney’s office dismissed concerns raised by America First Legal (AFL) about removing foreign citizens from voter rolls. Representing...
By Matthew Holloway | On Tuesday, Maricopa County Elections officials held a press conference to outline voter expectations ahead of the upcoming July 30th primary election....