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2024 election

God’s Values at Stake: The Urgent Call for Christian Voter Engagement



Bible with cross on American flag

By Kim Miller |

The upcoming election poses critical questions about values rather than just candidates. Governments affect individual lives, and these lives carry a profound importance. The concern here is whether freedoms that allow families and communities to thrive are being protected. Moreover, issues such as crime, the welfare of women and children, and parental rights to safeguard their children from inappropriate influences are at the forefront.

Recent research reveals troubling statistics: around 32 million Christians who attend church regularly may opt not to vote this election. Alarmingly, nearly half of individuals of faith do not intend to cast their ballots. This situation is significant; during the 2020 presidential election, the margin in swing states was just 600,000 votes. If a mere fraction of those who typically abstain from voting were to participate, a restoration of fundamental Biblical values could be achieved swiftly.

A national study conducted by George Barna from Arizona Christian University’s Christian Research Center highlights that roughly 104 million eligible voters from the faith community may stay home on Election Day. Interestingly, it’s estimated that about 5 million additional Christians would likely pull the lever if encouraged by their pastors. Barna emphasizes the transformative potential in mobilizing the 32 million Christians often seen in pews every week.

Encouragement from Arizona pastors could pivot the election outcome. Simple discussions among church members about voting could yield substantial results. A noted barrier preventing Christians from voting is a lack of information. To address this, the suggestion is made to host informal gatherings, dubbed ‘Ballot Coffee/Parties,’ where individuals can convene, share insights, and make informed voting decisions based on shared values and established guides like the AZWOA Voter Guide.

It’s imperative that Christians recognize the significance of voting for leaders who uphold Christian morals. While it is understood that divine authority ultimately guides the world, inaction is not an option. Prayer for leaders is a responsibility outlined in Scripture; worth noting are warnings regarding choices that reflect sin’s influence on society. Christians are urged to comply with legitimate authority unless it contradicts God’s commands, echoing the teachings found in Acts and Romans.

As the election approaches, individuals of faith are called upon to take action. The nation’s formation was heavily influenced by the church, and its revival hinges on community involvement and action. Every believer is encouraged to pray, collaborate, and engage in the electoral process to uphold values pivotal to a thriving society.

Kim Miller is the President and Founder of Arizona Women of Action. You can find out more about their work here.