Errant Ballots Stun Desert Cedars Residents, County Claims Quick Resolution Ahead

A resident of Desert Cedars discovered four unsecured unopened general election ballots in a communal mailbox on Yucca Lane on October 11, 2024. The ballots were stacked among junk mail, all addressed to the same location. Concerned about the security of these ballots, the resident chose to take action.
“If it happened here, I’m sure it’s happening all over the place,” the anonymous resident remarked when speaking to InMaricopa. Taking responsibility, he brought the ballots to the Maricopa Police Department before ultimately delivering them to the Pinal County Recorder’s Office in Florence.
Monica Williams, spokesperson for the Maricopa Police Department, confirmed the incident, noting, “The reporting party ended up canceling the police and saying he would take the ballots he found at his mailbox to the elections office.” The swift action of the resident highlights concerns about ballot security during election season.
Dana Lewis, the Pinal County recorder overseeing elections, emphasized the importance of handling found ballots properly. She outlined several options for individuals who may come across unsecured ballots. One option is to check a box and place the ballot back in the carrier slot of the community mailbox for return to the county elections department.
If the addressee no longer resides at that address, Lewis advises marking the box and returning it to the U.S. Post Office. “This gives the post office the ability to rectify the situation and place it in the correct box,” she stated. She urged residents to report early ballot packets received for past residents or incorrect addresses to help maintain accurate voter rolls.
By initiating the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 process, these actions assist the elections division. Lewis added that packets returned to the office would undergo electronic processing to ensure security and accuracy in the electoral process.
Lewis concluded, urging anyone who finds early ballot packets in common areas to “please be a good neighbor and put them in a U.S. Postal Service box.” Such actions can prevent potential voting issues and safeguard the integrity of the election.
Elias Weiss contributed to this report.