Arts & Culture/Jackalope Ranch
Delta Aquariid Meteor Shower: Arizona’s Ultimate Stargazing Event יt’ll Leave You Awestruck

Heads up, Arizona skywatchers. The summer meteor shower season is about to kick off, meaning an increasing number of shooting stars will be streaking through the nighttime skies in the weeks ahead.
Astrophiles can look forward to the Delta Aquariids meteor shower, which begins in late July. This annual celestial event occurs when Earth passes through debris left by the Marsden and Kracht Sungrazing comets. The shower is known for producing a steady stream of meteors, providing spectacular views for observers. Enthusiasts recommend finding a dark, open sky away from city lights to fully appreciate the show.
The Delta Aquariids are expected to peak around late July, offering the best chance to see numerous meteors per hour. These meteors are typically faint but can brighten up skywatching events, especially under optimal conditions. Stargazers should also mark their calendars for the Perseids, which follow in August, bringing even more brilliant displays.
For those interested in photography, experts advise using a tripod and long exposure settings to capture the meteors. As always, patience is key when attempting to photograph these fleeting moments. This period promises to be a treat for both amateur and professional astronomers alike.
Stay tuned for more skywatching updates, and don’t miss the opportunity to witness these astronomical wonders. Happy stargazing, Arizona!