Arizona’s Medicaid agency, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), has launched a groundbreaking initiative aimed at providing crucial support for homeless individuals grappling with...
In November 1989, John McCain’s emerging political career faced a significant threat. The Senate Ethics Committee turned its attention to the freshman senator from Arizona, prompting...
In 2022, Judge Roslyn Silver determined that Arizona was failing to meet the healthcare needs of inmates, which led to preventable deaths within the prison system....
A federal judge has ruled against an Arizona rule designed to expedite the certification of election results. U.S. District Court Judge Michael Liburdi’s decision emphasizes that...
The packaging of brown tablets, marked with a light blue hue, presents an appealing exterior, yet it conceals a deeper mystery that only extensive testing can...
SALT LAKE CITY — In a stunning upset, Arizona defeated No. 10 Utah 23-10 on Saturday night, aided by a formidable defense and a standout performance...
This November, Arizonans will vote on a proposed constitutional amendment that would establish a fundamental right to abortion. Advocates assert that there has been significant public...
In a historic moment for conservation in the United States, the National Park Service was established under President Woodrow Wilson, who emphasized the importance of preserving...
In a bustling local coffee shop, 21-year-old Tamar brews her way through her busy shifts as a barista. Each large cup of coffee she crafts takes...
The brown tablets encased in light blue packaging may appear harmless, but they conceal concerning secrets revealed only through extensive testing. Marketed as “Advanced kratom alkaloids,”...