Arts & Culture/Jackalope Ranch
Where to Catch the Spectacular Perseid Meteor Shower in Arizona This Weekend

Skywatchers in Arizona, your wait is almost over. The much-anticipated annual Perseid meteor shower will reach its peak this weekend. This celestial event is renowned for showcasing one of the most spectacular displays of shooting stars each year.
Experts predict that the shower will be most visible late at night and in the early hours of the morning. According to local astronomers, optimal viewing conditions will require clear skies and minimal light pollution. Therefore, heading away from city lights could enhance your experience significantly.
The Perseid meteor shower is famous for its frequency of bright and fast meteors. Originating from the comet Swift-Tuttle, these meteors are expected to put on a dazzling show as they burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere. This year’s peak activity could see upwards of 60 meteors per hour.
Enthusiasts are advised to bring comfortable seating and warm clothing. Patience is also key, as it may take some time for your eyes to adjust to the darkness and begin spotting the meteors. This event promises to be one of the highlights of the astronomical calendar for stargazers in the region.