Apache Junction
Valley Uber Driver’s Best Ride Ever: Unforgettable Journey to Maricopa

Maricopa motorists experienced significant delays Wednesday afternoon as they sat in traffic for over two hours. The congestion occurred after a semi-truck broke down near the city limits, causing a standstill on State Route 347. This highway, notorious for frequent accidents, averages one crash every other day, often leading to frustrating commutes.
However, some good news has emerged amidst the usual chaos on SR 347. Social media influencer Cody Garrett, also known as “Donut Operator,” recently asked his 723,000 followers on X (formerly Twitter) to share their best and worst Uber experiences. User @SalvoGhost, whose real name is Michael O., quickly shared his memorable ride from Phoenix to Maricopa.
Michael, a full-time Uber driver and Phoenix native, recalled earning a $100 tip during this particular trip. Despite the passenger’s initial dislike for metal music, by the end of the journey, they had a newfound appreciation for it. Michael emphasized that his commitment to service excellence and a carefully curated playlist were vital to his success as a rideshare driver.
Michael also shed light on the challenges of driving in Maricopa, noting that many attempts to succeed in the ridesharing business in this area had failed. He often worked the graveyard shift, transporting a diverse clientele, including truckers, overnight medical staff, and inebriated college students. Despite the difficulties, Maricopa remained an integral part of his routine.
During his career, Michael has driven long distances, with his longest trip being from Apache Junction to Yuma, covering about 208 miles. However, not all trips were pleasant. He shared that his worst experiences often involved businesspeople traveling from resorts to strip clubs, a task he found demoralizing.
One particularly challenging assignment involved a pre-booked trip from Phoenix to Tucson, worth more than $100. Unfortunately, this lucrative fare was canceled after picking up another ride from a strip club. The passengers altered their destination, leading to the cancellation of the pre-booked trip. When they realized the cancellation had occurred, they insisted Michael take them to their new destination despite his protests.
The situation escalated when the passengers accused Michael of discrimination based on their sexual orientation, to which he humorously responded by pointing out their recent visit to a strip club. Ultimately, he had no choice but to drop them off at a nearby gas station for their safety.