Teen Accused in Preston Lord Murder Freed on Bond, Electronic Tagging Ordered

PHOENIX — One of the teen suspects in the murder of a Queen Creek teenager has posted bond and was released with electronic monitoring, according to authorities.
Treston Billey, identified as one of seven teens involved in the death of 16-year-old Preston Lord in October 2023, posted bail and was released on August 3, according to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.
Billey was placed under electronic monitoring following his release. Taylor Sherman and Talyn Vigil, other teen suspects, also posted bond and were released with electronic monitoring on earlier dates.
The suspects were part of a group of seven, mostly teens, accused of assaulting Preston Lord at a Halloween party. Lord succumbed to his injuries two days after the attack. The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide.
Billey, Sherman, and Vigil, along with suspects William Owen Hines, Dominic Turner, and Jacob Meisner, have pleaded not guilty.
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