In a dramatic turn of events, a young athlete’s life took a challenging path due to a sports injury over a decade ago. José Patiño, then...
Democrat Ruben Gallego is making headlines as he embarks on his U.S. Senate journey. His initial actions have stirred controversy, especially regarding a significant bill that...
By Daniel Stefanski | The political landscape in Arizona is heating up as Tucson Mayor Regina Romero vocally opposes President-elect Donald J. Trump’s impending border security...
Arizona remains one of the 25 states allowing in-state tuition for undocumented students. However, proposed changes under a policy framework favored by President-elect Donald Trump could...
By Matthew Holloway | Recent polling data indicates a strong public consensus favoring the mass deportation of illegal immigrants in the United States. This sentiment spans...
A federal judge in Texas has delivered a significant blow to the Biden administration’s “Keeping Families Together” program. Late Thursday, U.S. District Judge J. Campbell Barker...
WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump has intensified calls for mass deportation in his presidential campaign, raising eyebrows with his assurance of a major crackdown on...
Arizona’s migrant communities have a critical stake in the upcoming 2024 elections. Former President Donald Trump has pledged to implement mass deportations and end DACA protections...
Prosecutors say Jesus Alexandro Sanchez-Armenta was using social media to coordinate transporting undocumented immigrants. PHOENIX — A Phoenix man, Jesus Alexandro Sanchez-Armenta, has been sentenced to...
Prosecutors say Jesus Alexandro Sanchez-Armenta was using social media to coordinate transporting undocumented immigrants. PHOENIX — A Phoenix man was sentenced to 72 months in prison...