An alleged stalking incident at Maricopa High School escalated into a chilling event on Tuesday afternoon. Staff members intervened when a 28-year-old man reportedly assaulted a...
Tragedy struck a Maricopa family when 19-year-old Zack Born took his own life just days after appearing to be on an upswing in his mental health....
Newly uncovered police reports reveal that 16-year-old Esteban Valenzuela, fatally shot in Maricopa Meadows on November 22, was previously identified as a suspect in a violent...
Julian Bissette, a 16-year-old from Santa Rosa Crossing, received a birthday gift that will shape his future. After picking him up from school, his father revealed...
Maricopa Police Department officers responded to the scene of a tragic incident on Dancer Lane and West Dirk Street on November 22, 2024, where 16-year-old Esteban...
Authorities are investigating a large teen brawl that occurred during the 17th annual Masik Tas carnival at the Ak-Chin Circle on Saturday night. The event, which...
PHOENIX — A tragic accident claimed the life of a teenager in north Phoenix on Friday. The incident occurred at the intersection of 51st Avenue and...
A significant police chase in Safford culminated with the recent arrest of 19-year-old Jesus E. Rios, who has been held for nine months on various charges....
Isaiah Bandin, a 15-year-old, has been charged with the murder of 16-year-old Esteban Valenzuela in Maricopa, according to reports from InMaricopa. This accusation stems from a...
Gilbert, Ariz. — Authorities and a local family are raising the alarm over the disappearance of 14-year-old Liam McGee, who vanished from his home late Thursday...