Rising suicide rates among young Americans have become a significant concern, particularly within Latino youth who are increasingly vulnerable. Researchers are advocating for culturally informed therapeutic...
Two years prior, a harrowing scene unfolded for Daniel Romero as he monitored his in-home security camera while on the job. He witnessed his brother, Adam...
A recent study, published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, reveals alarming increases in suicide attempts among transgender and nonbinary youth in states implementing anti-transgender laws....
The relationship between broadband Internet access and lower suicide rates has emerged as a surprising finding from a recent CDC report. On National Suicide Prevention Day,...
In a tragic event, Zackary “Zack” Born, a 19-year-old from Maricopa, Arizona, took his own life on September 4, 2024. Known for his love of skateboarding...
Suicide extends its impact far beyond the individuals lost, affecting families and communities alike. Nonprofit organization #YOUmatter; shines a light on this critical public health issue....
Lake Havasu City SWAT officers were dispatched Saturday afternoon to SARA Park, responding to a report of a suicidal individual. The situation originated from the 3600...
The nationwide 988 crisis hotline, introduced to simplify the process for individuals in distress to access help, has been operational for two years. Unlike 911, which...