Exciting developments in the night sky await stargazers, as a spectacular planetary parade unfolds across Arizona. This rare astronomical event features several planets aligning, offering a...
In devastating wildfires that have swept through the Los Angeles area, thousands of homes have been lost, and at least 24 lives have been claimed, with...
PHOENIX — For many in Generation X and older millennials, the beloved sitcom “Friends” remains a cornerstone of pop culture. Iconic moments, such as Ross’s romantic...
The Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show is gearing up for a significant milestone, marking its 70th anniversary in 2025. This annual event has become a hallmark of...
High-spirited marchers and floral-adorned floats aren’t the only highlights of the annual Rose Parade. This year, spectators can look forward to seeing familiar local faces from...
Mohave County’s Spring Carnival is set to make a comeback this April, much to the excitement of local residents. This annual event showcases the vibrant community...
In a groundbreaking event, Beyoncé is set to perform live during the halftime of the Ravens-Texans game on Christmas Day, airing exclusively on Netflix. This performance...
The Travel & Adventure Show will make its highly anticipated return to the Phoenix Convention Center on February 15 and 16, 2024. After a successful debut...
Upon taking office, many citizens experienced a renewed sense of hope regarding criminal justice reform. The new administration’s opposition to the death penalty and support for...
A Maricopa resident found himself in legal trouble last week after confronting a child involved in a late-night ding-dong ditch prank. The incident raises questions about...