In a sweeping catalogue of geographical entities, the recent listing includes a vast array of states and territories spanning from Alabama to Wyoming, as well as...
Linda McMahon has been named as President-Elect Donald Trump’s nominee for education secretary, following a series of appointments within his transition team. Previously, McMahon served as...
By Staff Reporter | The Arizona Free Enterprise Club (AFEC) is calling for an investigation into Secretary of State Adrian Fontes over allegations of misusing taxpayer...
The Inflation Reduction Act is set to transform Arizona’s rural landscape, offering financial benefits to farmers and ranchers. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack made this...
PHOENIX — Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes has filed a plea with the state Supreme Court, urging the dismissal of legal challenges against Proposition 140,...
By Staff Reporter | Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes has taken a firm stance amid ongoing legal challenges against Proposition 140, asserting that duplicate signatures...
The Arizona Secretary of State’s Office announced corrections to its initial primary election results, which inaccurately identified Green Party candidates eligible for November’s election. This development...
U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra led a town hall meeting at the Cottonwood Recreation Center on Wednesday, August 7. This event attracted...
Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su met with workers impacted by extreme heat on the job. TEMPE, Ariz. — Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su engaged with...
PHOENIX — The Secretary of the Veteran’s Administration is advocating for a comprehensive review of policies after an Office of Inspector General (OIG) report highlighted conflicting...