Phoenix’s electronic dance music scene has seen a surge of excitement lately, drawing fans eager for top-notch performances. Major festivals have filled the calendar, showcasing renowned...
The inaugural Hondo Rodeo Fest is set to take over downtown Phoenix this weekend, bringing together an exciting blend of country music and rodeo competitions. Running...
The Dreamy Draw Music Festival returns to Scottsdale this weekend, promising an eclectic mix of musical genres. Set to take place at the Scottsdale Civic Center...
On Tuesday, the Lake Havasu City Council is set to consider significant updates to the city’s master fee schedule. This decision follows a comprehensive review aimed...
VIVA PHX is set to make a highly anticipated return this Saturday after a seven-year break. The downtown Phoenix music festival, last hosted in 2017, promises...
Phoenix Pride stands out as Arizona’s largest LGBTQ+ celebration, drawing thousands into the heart of the city. Taking place over two days, the event kicks off...
The countdown to Halloween has begun, and the atmosphere is thick with anticipation. Horror enthusiasts can find a variety of spine-chilling experiences this season. Cinemas are...
Arizona’s largest free music festival, the Mesa Music Festival, has announced a significant change for its upcoming schedule. Promoters revealed on Thursday that the highly anticipated...
FORM is set to take over Arcosanti in northern Arizona this weekend, marking an important milestone for the festival. After a five-year hiatus, this event returns...
Simone Biles dropped out of the women’s team final in Tokyo. Now she and Team USA are aiming for redemption and gold in Paris. PARIS, France...