A wilderness survival trainer, who operated undercover for over two years, has shared his explosive experiences within right-wing militias with unprecedented detail, revealing a troubling synergy...
Chuck Woolery, the beloved game show host known for his roles on “Wheel of Fortune,” “Love Connection,” and “Scrabble,” has passed away at the age of...
Recent leaks from the American Patriots Three Percent militia, often referred to as AP3, have unveiled the group’s internal discussions regarding their surveillance of ballot drop...
Leaked communications from the American Patriots Three Percent militia (AP3) reveal their response to media scrutiny over monitoring ballot drop boxes in Arizona. The chats outline...
Federal Judge Aileen M. Cannon, known for dismissing the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump, did not disclose her attendance at a May 2023...
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching a billboard campaign across Phoenix, spotlighting former President Donald Trump’s ties to the controversial Project 2025. This effort forms...