In a year marked by fierce battles over reproductive rights, the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of federal abortion protections prompted significant activism across...
A woman from Homestead has been arrested for making false claims to the Maricopa Police Department while being pregnant and under the influence of alcohol. The...
The landscape of abortion regulations across the United States has undergone significant changes since the Supreme Court eliminated constitutional protections over two years ago. States have...
The latest cases emerge from two women who report not receiving treatment for ectopic pregnancies at different emergency rooms in Texas. WASHINGTON — Kyleigh Thurman, bleeding...
Egyptian fencer Nada Hafez achieved her best Olympic result while competing at seven months pregnant, finishing 16th in Paris. PARIS, France — Olympian Nada Hafez recently...
PARIS, France — In a display of both athletic prowess and personal resilience, Egyptian fencer Nada Hafez competed at the Paris Olympics while seven months pregnant....
Fencing at the Olympics is challenging enough. Now, imagine doing it while seven months pregnant. PARIS, France — Egyptian fencer Nada Hafez has disclosed that she...