Staci Foulks’ heart shattered when her beloved dog, Greta, passed away unexpectedly. The Swedish Vallhund was more than just a pet; Greta was a source of...
The Pima Animal Care Center (PACC) is taking preventive measures against a potential surge in lost pets during the New Year celebrations in Tucson. The shelter...
Maricopa County Animal Care and Control (MCACC) is collaborating with the Arizona Humane Society and the nonprofit Petco Love to enhance efforts in reuniting lost pets...
Exceptional Pets, a veterinary clinic serving the Maricopa and Mesa communities, will close its doors permanently on November 20, 2024, after five years in operation. The...
Microchipping can help dogs be returned to their owners, and keep them out of already overcrowded shelters, should they get lost or be separated. As the...
Two Arizona organizations, Soldier’s Best Friend and the Arizona Humane Society (AHS), are making a significant impact on military families by addressing the mental health of...
Exotic Pet Kingdom, a vibrant new business in South Lake Havasu City, has become a hub for exotic pet enthusiasts amid ongoing renovations. The store, located...
As the echoes of paws recede and the toys remain untouched, many pet owners face a profound emptiness following the loss of their beloved companions. “It...
Maricopa Fire and Medical Department responded to a garage fire in Rancho Mirage on the evening of August 14, 2024. Emergency crews received the call at...
Arizona Humane Society Receives Grant to Aid Lost Pets After being lost for more than a decade, Skylar was reunited with his owner, Monica, thanks to...