Maricopa County Animal Care and Control enlisted Santa Claus to assist in delivering adopted puppies to their new families this Christmas Eve. In an effort to...
Carefree, AZ – The Kiwanis Club of Carefree celebrated a successful Christmas event on November 30, 2024, attracting over 2,600 attendees including 838 children and 1,838...
In Scottsdale, a lively scene unfolded on Saturday night as themed revelers crammed the streets, donning festive attire to celebrate the holiday season. This unique gathering...
The iconic “Bowl” sign marks your arrival at Let it Roll Bowl & Entertainment Center at 12th Street and Dunlap in Phoenix (photo by Kathryn M....
Former President Donald Trump delivered a provocative speech in Tucson on Thursday, captivating an audience at the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall. Addressing the upcoming election, he...
As Labor Day Weekend approaches, a variety of self-employed business owners prepare for an influx of visitors. While many enjoy a break, for these entrepreneurs, this...
The Maricopa Police Department is currently investigating a shocking case of animal abuse involving a man who was seen kicking and throwing a dog. The injured...
The now-iconic photo went viral, with even the Louvre itself suggesting it might be worthy enough for a spot somewhere in the vicinity of the Mona...