A Lake Havasu City woman took the stage at a local bar this week, showcasing her comedic talent to an eager crowd. Far from a typical...
Westbound Interstate 10 has been reopened near 7th Street following a temporary closure due to an emergency situation involving law enforcement. The Arizona Department of Transportation...
A multi-vehicle crash at Lower Buckeye Road is causing significant traffic delays for drivers in Phoenix on Sunday night. According to the Arizona Department of Transportation,...
High school students across Arizona are invited to engage in a day of creativity and expression at the High School Poetry Jam featuring Brandon Leake, the...
A two-car collision at the intersection of Smith-Enke Road and Vintage Drive caused significant traffic delays during the evening rush hour on October 11, 2024. The...
A multi-car pileup on John Wayne Parkway at Smith-Enke Road has resulted in significant traffic disruption for northbound lanes out of Maricopa. The incident occurred at...