As Arizona’s winter season approaches, residents need to prepare for the arrival of frost. The influx of snowbirds coincides with the potential threats posed by Jack...
Jack Ross, affectionately known as “Captain,” has officially retired from his role as a community services aide with the city of Sedona and the Sedona Police...
Former U.S. Navy pilot Jack Holder, a witness to one of the darkest days in American history, passed away on February 26, 2023. Holder’s reminiscences of...
On December 29th, the Phoenix Holocaust Association will hold a significant event on the fifth night of Chanukah, featuring the lighting of the Menorah led by...
WASHINGTON — A substantial and partly redacted motion was unsealed Wednesday by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, detailing special counsel Jack Smith’s argument that former President...
Not everyone can claim the experience of piloting an airplane or logging thousands of flight hours, but for 90-year-old John “Jack” Hansen of Lake Havasu City,...
Lake Havasu City officials announced the impending closure of Jack Hardie Park, effective August 26. This closure allows the Parks and Recreation Department to conduct essential...
Incumbent U.S. Rep. Eli Crane has decisively defeated challenger Jack Smith in the Republican primary for Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District, according to unofficial election results. With...
Incumbent U.S. Rep. Eli Crane has decisively triumphed over challenger Jack Smith in the Republican primary for Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District, according to unofficial election results....