A 40-year-old man from Glennwilde, Bernard Porpino, credits the emergency room team at Exceptional Community Hospital for saving his life following a severe heart attack. His...
On September 11, 2023, the Sedona Fire District will hold its annual memorial ceremony at SFD Station No. 6, located at 2675 State Route 179. The...
By Paul Parisi | On August 26, 2024, a significant gathering took place at the Phoenix City Council meeting as members of Our America Hometown Heroes...
The Tucson Sentinel, a nonprofit organization, is committed to ensuring the Southern Arizona community has access to independent journalism. Unlike many news outlets, it provides stories...
Evelyn Clark, a veteran in the hospitality industry, is celebrating an impressive 39 years at the London Bridge Resort. Her journey began in 1985 as a...
Cpl. Kevin Levine of the Lake Havasu City Police Department exemplifies a deep commitment to serving his community, rooted in his previous military experience. After serving...
Jamie Baker is celebrating ten years with Havasu Regional Medical Center, marking a significant milestone in her healthcare career. Her journey began in high school through...
For the past 35 years, Sandy Smith, a U.S. Army veteran, has called Lake Havasu City home. The 65-year-old originally hailing from Erlanger, Kentucky, enlisted in...