James “Jimmy” Sferrazza, a resident of Lake Havasu City, has recently garnered attention for his impressive journey towards the major leagues. His passion for baseball, alongside...
Former U.S. Navy pilot Jack Holder, a witness to one of the darkest days in American history, passed away on February 26, 2023. Holder’s reminiscences of...
Lake Havasu City resident and World War II veteran Dan Tompkins marked his 99th birthday this past Saturday. A life filled with remarkable experiences, Tompkins reflects...
Lake Havasu has long been a destination for adventure seekers, but for Robert Carson, 61, it has become an invaluable source of therapeutic activity. After relocating...
Frank Blain, an 85-year-old resident of Lake Havasu City, has reached one of the highest enlisted ranks in the U.S. Marine Corps, earning the title of...
In Lake Havasu City, Randy Nelson stands at the helm of a nonprofit initiative dedicated to supporting veterans. At 79 years old, he co-founded Stonebridge Veterans,...
Chief Brian Issitt, a 22-year veteran of the Phoenix Police Department, has been appointed as the new police chief of Goodyear. In his tenure with the...
Pfc. Alcario Flores is believed to have been killed in January 1945 during World War II. Nearly 80 years later, his remains were returned home to...
The city of Tempe has intensified its confrontation with Austin Davis, a local activist known for aiding the homeless community. On Friday, Tempe police arrested Davis...