A man from Lake Havasu City was arrested earlier this month following an alarming incident involving threats made against a former romantic partner. The situation escalated...
The Pima Community College men’s soccer team continues its strong season, securing a sixth consecutive victory by defeating GateWay Community College 4-0 at the West Campus...
Lake Havasu City has reported an increase in theft incidents concerning the Big Orange Boat, a floating vendor serving food and items to locals and visitors...
Pima Community College women’s soccer player Lizzie Walker, hailing from Canyon del Oro High School, has garnered recognition for her impressive performance on the field. The...
The Big Orange Boat in Lake Havasu City has recently experienced issues with theft and trespassing, prompting concerns for its owners and customers. A 37-year-old woman...
The government seized Jacob Chansley’s horned hat and spear as part of their investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021 riots at the US Capitol. Now, he...