Evelyn Clark, a veteran in the hospitality industry, is celebrating an impressive 39 years at the London Bridge Resort. Her journey began in 1985 as a...
Lake Havasu City’s Melissa Malerba has been a pivotal part of the London Bridge Resort since 2016. Initially working as a slide attendant, she interacted with...
Cpl. Kevin Levine of the Lake Havasu City Police Department exemplifies a deep commitment to serving his community, rooted in his previous military experience. After serving...
Marjorie Richardson, who immigrated from Canada, has taken on a new role welcoming travelers to Arizona. Since joining the London Bridge Resort in 2019, she has...
Jamie Baker is celebrating ten years with Havasu Regional Medical Center, marking a significant milestone in her healthcare career. Her journey began in high school through...
This week, a coalition comprising election officials, businesses, and civic groups will launch a nationwide effort to recruit hundreds of thousands of poll workers for November’s...
Arizona finds itself at a pivotal moment in the battle for abortion rights. As a local physician with nearly 30 years of experience in reproductive and...