The God-loving Republicans of Fountain Hills are maintaining their tradition of incorporating political themes into holiday celebrations. This year, they have embraced a festive display that...
By Matthew Holloway | The ongoing conflict between the Fountain Hills Democratic Club and local Republicans over Christmas celebrations at the town community center has taken...
Fountain Hills Theater is showcasing the world premiere of “Triple Threat,” a mystery comedy penned by Artistic Director Peter J. Hill. This engaging show revolves around...
Fountain Hills Town Councilman and Republican Mayoral Candidate Gerry Friedel has charged that incumbent Democrat Mayor Ginny Dickey is obstructing the appointment of Republican Gayle Earle...
Maricopa resident Deonce Evans is set to take part in a critical cycling event to raise awareness and funds for multiple sclerosis (MS) in honor of...
The Hills Theater in Fountain Hills will host a performance of “Brighton Beach Memoirs,” a classic play by Neil Simon. This much-anticipated production runs from August...
The Sand Stone Fire, which ignited on July 25, has now been 78% contained, authorities reported. Fire crews continue to battle the flames 14 miles northeast...
RIO VERDE, Ariz. — Fire crews are currently battling the Sand Stone Fire, which ignited on July 25 and is burning 14 miles northeast of Fountain...
The Sand Stone Fire, which began last Thursday, remains 0% contained, leading to a partial closure of State Route 87, commonly known as the Beeline Highway....
The fire began on Thursday and is 0% contained, authorities say. RIO VERDE, Ariz. — Fire crews are currently combating the Sand Stone Fire, which has...