CAREFREE, AZ – The Desert Foothills Land Trust (DFLT) will host a special screening of the documentary “Green Fire,” celebrating the life of renowned conservationist Aldo...
LONDON, UK — Tom Cruise, renowned for his iconic role in “Top Gun,” has been recognized with the U.S. Navy’s highest civilian honor for his substantial...
“The Great In Between: An Introduction to Jiu Jitsu,” a new documentary hosted by Maynard James Keenan, will premiere on December 13. Available on the Puscifer...
Film photography is experiencing a significant revival as enthusiasts embrace non-digital cameras. This trend is fueled by a mix of nostalgia and artistic desire. Many photographers...
Audio By Carbonatix A new film series will launch at the Phoenix Art Museum, featuring the iconic 1999 movie “Being John Malkovich.” This screening is part...
WASHINGTON — A subdued weekend in North American theaters saw the continued dominance of “Venom: The Last Dance,” which topped the box office once again with...
The Phoenix Film Office, established on October 8, 1974, is celebrating its 50th anniversary by highlighting its substantial contributions to the local economy. In a recent...
From the early days of cinema, Japanese filmmakers have significantly shaped the artistic landscape of film. Iconic works such as “Seven Samurai,” “Harakiri,” and “Tokyo Story”...
By Matthew Holloway | A recent investigative film by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has unveiled troubling findings regarding voter registration in Arizona. The organization...
Valley filmmakers are gearing up for an exciting opportunity as the 2024 A3F One-Shot | One-Angle 72 Hour Short Film Challenge approaches. Scheduled for October 11-14,...