A Lake Havasu City real estate agent is set to face arraignment on Thursday in Mohave Superior Court. This follows his arrest on eight serious charges...
A distinctive hillside residence in Thunderbird Farms is making waves in the Maricopa real estate market. This four-bedroom, three-bathroom home, affectionately dubbed the ‘Maricopa Dreamhouse,’ offers...
A man from Lake Havasu City has been arrested after a two-month investigation into the downloading and distribution of child pornography. The arrest follows extensive efforts...
According to the latest data from the Cromford Report, the real estate market in 2024 is shaping up to be promising. Experts indicate a strong selling...
The Cromford Report has released a new chart highlighting a significant increase in the average price per square foot in the real estate market. This surge...
JOHANNESBURG, Mojave Desert — A brisk day envelops the tiny mining town of Johannesburg, situated among the stark Rand Mountains. The surrounding landscape unfolds like a...
As 2023 draws to a close, local real estate trends are beginning to take shape. Recent data from the Cromford Report highlights the importance of relying...
As the year draws to a close, many individuals begin evaluating their personal and professional goals. This seasonal introspection often includes a detailed analysis of business...
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, local businesses are stepping up to support the community. ChaBones Steakhouse and APX Real Estate Group have joined forces to...
The towns of Carefree and Cave Creek experienced a robust end to October, indicating positive trends in the local real estate market. According to recent findings...