Julian Bissette, a 16-year-old from Santa Rosa Crossing, received a birthday gift that will shape his future. After picking him up from school, his father revealed...
In a thrilling display of racing prowess, Joey Logano clinched the 2024 NASCAR Cup Series championship at Phoenix Raceway. The final 25 laps were particularly exhilarating,...
Errl Cup, Arizona’s premier biannual festival honoring the state’s cannabis culture, took place last weekend, showcasing the state’s vibrant community and products. Despite it being the...
MONTREAL, QC — The American team secured their dominance by winning the Presidents Cup for the 10th consecutive time, overcoming the disappointment of losing the Ryder...
Barrymore “Bud” Shaw, bar manager at The Montauk in Old Town Scottsdale, has emerged as the victor of this year’s Coramino Cup. This prestigious contest, which...
Arizona is the first MLB team to install a reusable cup program. Here’s a little more about the initiative. PHOENIX — The Arizona Diamondbacks are integrating...