Starbucks is reinstating a purchase requirement for customers who wish to use its restrooms or relax in its stores. This development follows a broader initiative by...
In an era where traditional journalism faces immense pressure, local news outlets like the Tucson Sentinel emphasize their commitment to providing accessible reporting. Highlighted recently was...
The Lake Havasu Unified School District board recently garnered enthusiastic support during their latest meeting. Attendees expressed their approval as the board announced a 9% cost...
WASHINGTON — U.S. House Democrats released details early Thursday indicating the potential losses in federal disaster aid for each state if Republicans remove it from a...
WASHINGTON — This holiday season, if you plan to honor your true love with all the gifts mentioned in “The 12 Days of Christmas,” be prepared...
In a recent study by Clever Real Estate, the cost of living in Phoenix has been highlighted, particularly regarding one-bedroom apartments. The findings indicate that potential...
Following the recent election, a distraught commentary reflects a profound disillusionment with the current state of America. The sentiment expresses concern about a nation that appears...
You can’t grasp the enormity of 122,000 names until you see them engraved on a wall. At the National Monument to Freedom, dedicated by the Equal...