The two individuals who tragically lost their lives in a car accident on January 2 were identified following the incident on State Route 95, close to...
In a shocking incident outside a Las Vegas hotel owned by President-elect Donald Trump, a Tesla Cybertruck erupted in flames and debris, leaving one man severely...
LAS VEGAS — A tragic incident involving a soldier occurred Wednesday outside President-elect Donald Trump’s hotel when a Tesla Cybertruck burst into flames shortly after the...
Fire crews were initially dispatched to a South Mountain trail for a rescue operation. However, the situation escalated into a recovery effort as authorities confirmed the...
The Nov. 22 murder of 16-year-old Esteban Valenzuela in Maricopa Meadows is linked to an armed robbery, with indications of involvement in drug trafficking, according to...
PHOENIX — A suspect was shot and killed by Phoenix police during an officer-involved incident following a pursuit linked to a shooting report on Sunday morning....
Phoenix police are currently investigating a fatal crash that occurred at the intersection of 51st Avenue and Osborn Road. The collision involved multiple vehicles, including a...
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the tragic discovery of a deceased individual found alongside I-15 in Nevada. Authorities have confirmed that the victim...
Lake Havasu City Police responded urgently to reports of a shooting in the 2300 block of Palisades Drive earlier this week. Eyewitnesses claimed a victim had...
No one was in the office at the time. TEMPE, Ariz. — A Democratic campaign office in Tempe sustained significant damage from gunfire, as confirmed by...