Sun City Girls, a prominent and unconventional entity in Phoenix’s music landscape, continue to garner respect and admiration among musicians and fans alike. Dimitri Manos from...
Local music scene icon No Volcano has announced their final performance, marking the end of an era. Initially planned as a record release concert, this event...
After a decade marked by three grants, a journey to New York, and personal health challenges, Tucson composer Eric Johnsen has unveiled his debut jazz-fusion album,...
Jeff and Stephen McDonald of the Los Angeles band Redd Kross have maintained their status as influential figures in the music scene for 45 years. Their...
Nashville, Tennessee rock band Beasto Blanco made headlines recently, catching the attention of rock enthusiasts. The band features a notable member: vocalist Calico Cooper, daughter of...
After a grueling tour of the United Kingdom with punk icons The Control Freaks — which saw 40 hours spent in airports and sleeping on Edinburgh’s...
When his bandmate fell ill before a major music festival in Florida, Ryan David Green faced a critical choice: perform solo or cancel. Facing his fears...
Uncle Kracker is set to perform at The Maverick on Thursday, July 25, providing an exclusive off-date show amidst his broader tour commitments. Born Matthew Shafer,...