Investigations into a shooting incident on Dancer Lane are ongoing as police work to piece together events surrounding the tragic death of 16-year-old Esteban Valenzuela. The...
Josh Foster, a 16-year-old junior at Arizona Lutheran Academy and resident of Palo Brea, is preparing for a significant milestone in his musical journey later this...
The Maricopa Police Department is actively searching for a 16-year-old girl, Azia Rose Flowers, who has been missing since October 1. The National Center for Missing...
Maricopa police are investigating a shooting that occurred at the Homestead Community Park in the early hours of September 28. A 16-year-old boy sustained a non-life-threatening...
**Maricopa Teen Missing: Investigation Underway** Maricopa police are on the lookout for 16-year-old Javier Alzuhair-Sainz, who left his home Saturday carrying two pillowcases filled with clothes....