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Senate President Petersen Set to Challenge Citizenship Voter Law in Supreme Court Again



warren petersen

By Jonathan Eberle |

The ongoing legal dispute over Arizona’s voter identification laws has returned to the forefront, with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issuing a ruling that contradicts a prior decision by the Supreme Court. Arizona Senate President Warren Petersen has expressed his intention to escalate the issue back to the nation’s highest court.

This case revolves around a law enacted in 2022 by Arizona’s Republican-majority Legislature, mandating proof of citizenship for voters in state and federal elections. Proponents argue that this regulation is essential for maintaining election integrity and preventing non-citizen voting. However, critics claim it disproportionately impacts marginalized voter groups.

Frustration was palpable in Petersen’s reaction to the Ninth Circuit’s recent ruling. “It’s a new year, but we have the same, old Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals,” he stated. “This radicalism undermines confidence in our judicial system, and it has negative consequences for the fabric of our Republic. Legislative Republicans are already working to return to the Supreme Court in defense of Arizona election integrity, and we intend to win.”

The conflict intensified last August when a three-judge panel from the Ninth Circuit vacated an emergency stay that allowed Arizona to enforce the proof of citizenship requirement for federal elections. As a result, voters can now register using the state form without providing proof of citizenship, a shift that sparks concerns among law advocates about state sovereignty and election security.

Petersen previously sought an emergency stay from the Supreme Court following the Ninth Circuit’s initial ruling, which upheld Arizona’s right to reject registration forms lacking citizenship evidence. The Supreme Court’s subsequent support for Arizona marked a decisive win for Republicans advocating for stricter election regulations.

As the legal battle prepares to continue, the implications for Arizona’s voting process remain significant. The contrasting perspectives highlight a broader national debate on voter identification laws and election integrity.

Jonathan Eberle is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.