Scottsdale Police Urge Public: Leave Predator Hunts to Us—’This Activity is Very Dangerous’

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — The Scottsdale Police Department is urging residents not to engage in vigilante actions aimed at catching online predators without police assistance.
Officials reported two recent incidents where teenagers arranged meetups after chatting online with adults, intending to confront them.
“This activity is very dangerous for anyone to do on their own and, in most cases, does not lead to the successful prosecution of the alleged ‘child predator’ suspect,” Scottsdale police warned.
Such vigilantism, reminiscent of the show “To Catch a Predator,” has been reported nationwide. These actions often result in public shaming without legal resolutions.
The police advise citizens to report any suspicious online activity to local law enforcement. Conducting independent sting operations can lead to criminal charges for those involved.
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