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Scottsdale Police K9 Hero Recovers After Line-of-Duty Shooting, Community Rallies in Support



'Super proud of him': Scottsdale police K9 recovering after being shot in line of duty

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — K9 Rocco of the Scottsdale Police Department is recovering after being shot in the line of duty last Friday. Rocco sustained injuries to his face during a tense police situation involving an armed suspect.

On Tuesday, Rocco returned to the Scottsdale Police Headquarters, wearing a protective cone as he begins his recovery. “He would go back to work right now if I would take this cone off,” said his handler, Officer Derek Vusovich. Rocco, a highly trained police dog, enjoys being out in the field, whether searching for suspects or drugs.

The incident unfolded when Rocco and Vusovich responded to an emergency call. They were alerted to a man allegedly threatening someone with a firearm near Scottsdale and McKellips roads. When the suspect refused to exit his vehicle, Rocco was deployed to assist.

During the confrontation, the suspect allegedly reached for an object, prompting an officer to fire at the car, hitting both the suspect and Rocco. The suspect did not survive the encounter, while Rocco was quickly transported to a veterinary hospital for treatment.

Vusovich expressed his concerns during that harrowing moment, stating, “I never once felt that I wasn’t prepared to deal with it. I don’t think I really had a whole lot of time to be emotional; it was just I need to fix him.” Rocco suffered a gunshot wound to the muzzle, which fortunately required only minor treatment.

“It went through the skin, out the lip on the right side, and then under the nose,” Vusovich explained. Although initially appearing injured, Rocco was soon back to his spirited self.

K9 units like Rocco play a crucial role in law enforcement, offering tactical advantages that enhance search and recovery efforts. “When it comes to finding things or finding people, the work they can cover in a matter of minutes may take us hours to do,” said Vusovich. He emphasized the inherent risks K9s face as they protect their human partners.

Rocco is equipped with a custom-fitted bulletproof vest, though Vusovich acknowledged that it would not have prevented this specific injury. “He does wear a bulletproof vest all the time,” he confirmed.

Despite the challenges, Vusovich remains optimistic about Rocco’s return to duty. “I’m super proud of him, and I have no doubt he’ll be back and rocking and rolling quickly.” However, Rocco will remain off-duty until cleared by a veterinarian.

In the meantime, Mesa police are conducting an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the shooting.