Robbins Fire Rages South of Buckeye, Engulfs 71 Acres

The Robbins Fire has ignited in Buckeye Hills Regional Park, currently under control by the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM). According to the Buckeye Fire Department, the blaze initially broke out on August 3rd and was tackled by local fire teams, including Buckeye Fire, Arizona Fire Medical, Goodyear Fire, and Phoenix Fire.
As of now, DFFM has assumed full command of the firefighting efforts, and the assisting crews have departed the scene. Fortunately, no citizens or structures are under threat, and the fire is moving slowly westward with minimal activity.
This developing story will be updated as new information becomes available.
Residents in wildfire-prone regions are strongly encouraged to have an emergency supplies kit. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) advises preparing a kit ahead of time, containing essentials such as three gallons of water per person, a three-day supply of ready-to-eat food, first-aid supplies, and important documents. Other recommended items include a sleeping bag, battery-powered radio, dust mask, and matches in a waterproof container.
For those requiring assistance due to a wildfire or other natural disasters in Arizona, the American Red Cross can be contacted at 1-800-842-7349.
The Arizona Emergency Information Network uses the ‘Ready, Set, Go’ method for wildfire evacuations. A ‘Ready’ alert signifies potential hazards and the need for preparation. A ‘Set’ alert suggests voluntary evacuation. A ‘Go’ alert mandates immediate evacuation.
Tips for Home Fire Prevention from the Arizona Fire & Medical Authority include installing smoke alarms in every room, correctly using appliances, and having an escape plan. The authority offers free home safety inspections, which can be scheduled by calling 623-544-5400.
To prevent wildfires, the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management recommends properly extinguishing campfires, avoiding certain equipment on high-danger days, and following safety protocols while driving. Residents can download the ADFFM mobile app for real-time wildfire updates.
Additional advice from the NFPA to protect homes includes clearing roofs and gutters of debris, installing metal mesh screening, and maintaining fire-resistant home construction. It is crucial to practice an emergency action plan with all household members.
Stay informed on wildfire safety and home protection during Arizona’s wildfire season by checking the 12News YouTube playlist.