The a cappella community in Sedona has undergone significant transformations over the past year, highlighted by the rebranding of the Harmony on the Rocks group to...
Ride 347, a shuttle service operating between Maricopa and Phoenix Sky Harbor, is launching bus excursions for all ages as part of InMaricopa’s Holiday Homes on...
Maricopa families are invited to a festive celebration hosted by Be Awesome Inc. at the Maricopa Library, affectionately dubbed Santa’s Workshop. The event is set for...
Santa Claus is set to make a festive return to Posse Grounds Park in Sedona for the 15th annual Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 7,...
The Sedona Parks and Recreation Department has opened registration for its Grasshopper Basketball League, aimed at youth in grades one through eight. Parents can enroll their...
The Sedona Food Truck Festival will take place at the Pavilion at Posse Grounds Park on Saturday, November 9, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Attendees...
Native American Heritage Month kicks off on Friday, Nov. 1, inviting the nation to honor American Indian peoples. This month serves as a tribute to the...