On Christmas Day 2012, E-Beth Marshall and her husband faced a devastating turn of events. They had just shared the joyous news of their pregnancy, only...
The Lake Havasu City Council greenlit the first phase of the 2024 Water Main Replacement Project on Tuesday evening. This phase, with over $3.2 million in...
Whether the phrase “unborn human being” will appear in the voter description of the Arizona Abortion Access Act is now a decision resting in the hands...
Recovery efforts resumed Thursday morning following a major building collapse in west Phoenix. PHOENIX — Severe storms ravaged the Valley Wednesday night, leading to the collapse...
U.S. median home prices hit a new high for the second consecutive month amid falling sales, per a report released this week. Potential buyers are delaying...
Thirty-four years ago, Congress enacted a pivotal piece of legislation known as the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). This law provided Native American...
The Loft Cinema is set for major renovations, which include new screens, a second floor, and more modern features to enhance the movie-going experience. Last week,...
Parents in the Maricopa Unified School District can now apply for free breakfast and lunch for their children, as announced by the district today. The district...
Today marks National Hire a Veteran Day, and one company is leading by example. Air Methods, a provider of medical air services to Lake Havasu City,...
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden condemned political violence following a shooting that interrupted a campaign rally held by former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. Trump was...