Maricopa Police Department has filed hit-and-run charges against a woman who was captured on surveillance footage driving into a Glennwilde residence last month. The incident occurred...
A bizarre incident unfolded at a Maricopa gas station Wednesday night, leading to the arrest of a panhandler who amassed 14 criminal charges. The Maricopa Police...
The Maricopa Police Department is currently investigating an unsettling incident reported at a local bus stop involving a man who allegedly exposed himself to a student....
The Maricopa Police Department has released body camera footage this week showing the arrest of Joseph Chee on December 15, 2023, at a Sprouts Farmers Market....
Maricopa authorities reported a three-car collision on North John Wayne Parkway near Honeycutt Road last night, which is believed to have resulted from a driver running...
If you encountered traffic disruptions on North John Wayne Parkway or noticed delays with your Amazon delivery today, a recent accident is to blame. Maricopa and...
On the morning of August 15, 2024, emergency teams from Maricopa successfully rescued a toddler trapped in a locked vehicle within the Homestead gated community. The...
A 31-year-old man from Homestead, Lucas A. Scott, has been arrested and charged with sexual exploitation of a child after investigators from the Maricopa Police Department...
Questions remain unanswered 46 days after a fatal shooting incident in Homestead, which authorities suspect was accidental. Investigations by the Pinal County Medical Examiner’s Office and...
In a shocking incident of domestic conflict, a 72-year-old woman in Homestead, Arizona, was arrested after she allegedly attacked her 59-year-old husband with a concealed knife...